Nursery rhymes YouTube channel

Well, it’s been a pretty eventful (nearly) 8 weeks since I uploaded my version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star my to YouTube channel.

I’m really happy to say that I’ve superseded all my targets I wanted to reach by the end of October. Here are my targets and results:

Number of views: 25k – achieved (by 25th October) 41k – might even get to 50k by month end!
Number of subscriber: 75 – have 110 subs
Channel views: 2k – very nearly 5k

I just need to build up on comments and likes – oh and more friends!

Another excellent achievement is that this video appears on page one of YouTube if you search for ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ (with or without quotes) which is superb!

Come on over to my YouTube channel and say hi, sub me, friend me, leave a comment or two, etc and I will, of course, return the favour.

Classic nursery rhyme “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”.

The music is very traditional whilst the animation is very modern and beautiful!

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